Teaching in vocational education programs

  • European Structural Found Program for Sales Executives in the Italian Renewable Energy Market

January 2014 

Host Organisation: Soc cooperativa Domanidonna, Padova, Italy

 Program of the course: the renewable energy market (products and services); analysis of the technological improvements obtained during the last 7 years and of the production costs changes in the last 7 years; future market perspectives of the various technologies; the european and italian politics for the green economy.


  • European Structural Found Program for Systems Support Engineers in Renewable Energy plants with special consideration for biomass plants

ingegnere_al_computerPeriod: February-March 2014 

Host Organisation: Soc cooperativa Domanidonna, Padova, Italy

Program of the course: classification and description of the various sources of biomass; advanced and critical analysis of the available technologies that exploit biomass energy; gasification processes: biogasification and high pressure/temperature gasification plants; principles of cogeneration; microgeneration and microcogeneration compared to macrodistribution of energy.



  • European Structural Found Program for newly graduated technicians in the field of renewable energies, concerning the renewable energy market, the research perspectives and the European policies

Period: June 2014 

Host Organisation: Parco Scientifico Tecnologico Galileo, Padova, Italy

 Program of the course: the renewable energy market (products and services); analysis of the technological improvements obtained during the last 7 years and of the production costs changes in the last 7 years; future market perspectives of the various technologies; the european and italian politics for the green economy.



  • European Exchange program for high school students concerning renewable energies, available techniques and future perspectives

Period: June 2014 

Host Organisation: Fenice Green Energy Park, Padova, Italy

Program of the course: key concepts of energy extraction from biomasses; advanced and critical analysis of the available technologies that exploit biomass’ energy; calculation of CO2 emission and absorption; matter and energy balance of various production plants that exploit biomass; practicals: production of biodiesel from vegetable oil; production bioethanol from  sugar.




  • European Structural Found Program for technicians concerning photovoltaics: principles technologies and applications

Period: June-July 2014 

Host Organisation: Soc cooperativa Domanidonna, Padova, Italy

Program of the course: photoelectric and photovoltaic effect (theory), conductors and semiconductors; NREL reports on different photovoltaic cells (technologies, yields, actual limits); Grätzel cells; organic cells; diffusion and application of the various cells, innovative design products that use solar modules.


    • Summer School for high school students concerning renewable energies, available techniques and future perspectives

Period: July 2014

Host Organisation: Fenice Green Energy Park, Padova, Italy

Program of the course:  key concepts of energy extraction from biomasses; advanced and critical analysis of the available technologies that exploit biomass’ energy; calculation of CO2 emission and absorption; matter and energy balance of various production plants that exploit biomass; practicals: production of biodiesel from vegetable oil; production bioethanol from  sugar.


  • European Structural Found Program: introduction to the renewable energies available in the market

Period: July 2014 

Host Organisation: Soc cooperativa Domanidonna, Padova, Italy

Program of the course: the different types of photovoltaic cells (technologies, yields, actual limits); innovative design products that use solar modules; solar thermal panels principles and applications; the working principles of geothermal heating exchange (housing and electric energy production); visit to a geothermal plant; principles of biomass utilisation for energy production; different types of biomasses, characteristics and yields; practicals: production of biodiesel from vegetable oil; production bioethanol from  sugar; the european and italian policy for renewable energies towards 2020 and 2050.



  • Exchange Program for University Students in order to promote the exchange of knowledge about advanced technologies among different Countries


Period: September 2014

Host Organisation: Fenice Green Energy Park, Padova, Italy

Program of the course:  key concepts of energy extraction from biomasses; advanced and critical analysis of the available technologies that exploit biomass’ energy; matter and energy balance of various production plants that exploit biomass; practicals: production of biodiesel from vegetable oil; production bioethanol from  sugar.