Teaching in schools

Teaching Science full time in high school since 2016. Starting from 2017 teaching with a permanent position at “Liceo Scientifico Fermi” high school in Padova (Italy)

Experiences in various Schools

  • Courses to improve the scientific knowledge of high school students

School years:2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018

Schools:IIS “Pietro Scalcerle”, Padova (PD); ISISS “Dal Cero“, San Bonifacio (VR)

Courses: learning biology using bioinformatics (didactic material is available at sperimentando web site); learning science in the kitchen; solve a mystery and learn about chemistry  (didactic material is available at sperimentando web site) ; solve a mystery and learn about molecular biology (didactic material is available at sperimentando web site); learning about evolution and about the evolution of populations by playing a game; selfish genes and evolution + the extraordinary voyage of human kind throughout the world (didactic material soon available at sperimentando web site)


School year: 2014-2015

School: E. Majorana” High School, Orvieto, Italy; ISISS “Dal Cero“, San Bonifacio (VR)

Topic of the activity:  Bioinformatics for beginners: DNA sequences are string of characters! The lecture is available on line in english at the blog “sperimentando”; the full program of the lecture is available as a pdf at this link.


  • Laboratories of Science for primary school children Science That Is Fun for Kids

School years: 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012

School: “La Salle” Primary School, Rome, Italy

Link to the Program of the laboratories


  • Invited Lectures for High School Students

School year: 2009-2010

School: E. Majorana” High School, Orvieto, Italy

Topic of the lecture: the never-ending adventure of life science research, what is the next frontier?


School year: 2007-2008; 2008-2009; 2009-2010

School: “F.A.Gualterio” High School, Orvieto, Italy

Topic of the lectures: Newton: the composition and decomposition of light and what rainbows are; Jaques Monod: “Chance and Necessity”; Defining science: from the Greek philosophers to Karl Popper and beyond.

  • journal image

    Collaboration to a project for High School Students consisting in the publication of short articles to spark the interest of the students for the scientific literature

School year: 2007-2008; 2008-2009

School: “F.A.Gualterio” High School, Orvieto, Italy

The articles were published in italian



All the didactic material that I produced for these courses is available on line for students and teachers