Teaching at the University of Padova
Experiences as Teaching Assistant at the University of Padova
Academic years 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2010-2011
(Chair Professors in the different Academic years: Prof. G. Valle and Prof. R. Bisson)
Program of the laboratories: production of a library of Lambda Phage DNA; Plasmid DNA preparation from E.coli; genomic DNA extraction from human saliva; PCR amplification; agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Academic years 2008-2009; 2009-2010; 2011-2012
(Chair Professors in the different Academic years: Prof. F. Rigoni and Prof. I. Szabò)
Program of the laboratories: growth and induction of E.coli strains transformed for the overexpression of a pH sensitive YFP; purification of the YFP by affinity chromatography; spectroscopic and electrophoretic analysis of the obtained fractions, fluorometric analysis of the purified proteins at different pH.
Academic year 2011-2012
(Chair Professor in the different Academic years: Prof. F. Rigoni)
Program of the laboratories: measure of the photosynthetic activity of leaf disks in a simple experimental system in response to different lights; purification of mitochondria from yeast and measure of the ATP production of the purified mitochondria using a fluorometric assay
Academic years 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012
(Chair Professors in the different Academic years: Prof. F. Rigoni and Prof. G. M. Giacometti)
Program of the tutorials: principles of bioenergetics; glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and pentose phosphate pathway; citric acid cycle; metabolic regulation; fatty acid metabolism; amino acid metabolism; hormonal regulation of mammalian metabolism; biotechnological applications of the manipulation of the metabolism of various microorganisms.
Laboratories of Genomics
Academic years 2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-2013
(Chair Professors in the different Academic years: Prof. G. Valle)
The program of the laboratories was different in the three academic years:
- Library preparation of full-lenght transcripts using the In-Fusion Full Length library construction system, sequencing and data analysis
- Introduction to PERL programming and realisation of a simple program for primer oligonucleotide design; experimental testing of the designed primers by PCR reaction and sequencing
- Metagenomic analysis of a water sample: sampling, extraction of nucleic acids, library preparation, sequencing and data analysis
Academic year 2012-2013
(Chair Professor: Prof. G. M. Giacometti)
Program of the laboratories: introduction to absorbance spectroscopy, measure of the enzymatic kinetics of l-lactate dehydrogenase, mathematical formalisation of the data