Nannochloropsis genome portal
Nannochloropsis is a model organism for studying biofuel production from photsynthetic organisms.
Nannochloropsis genome portal is a web resource that allows access to much of the genomic information of Nannochloropsis.
The web resource is centred on the genome of Nannochloropsis gaditana B-31 and it is organised in various sections that allow to download and interrogate the data using web-based information retrieval software.
I worked at the web resource together with my friends and colleagues Andrea Telatin, Nicola Vitulo and Claudio Forcato at the Bioinformatics Laboratory of CRIBI University of Padua.
The portal also includes a blog where some of the latest scientific discoveries about Nannochloropsis are reported and discussed
I am the main author of the blog and I’d like scientist involved in this field of research to use this space to share their findings, their hypothesis, wonders and technical difficulties.